Monday, June 1, 2009

First post and introduction

Why hello there! This is my first post, and will serve as something of an introduction, both for myself and for this blog.

My name's Nat. I just graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Political Economy (strictly Political Economy of Industrial Societies), with a concentration and thesis about ICT and Development (ICTD). I'm very interested in the potential (and limits) of these technologies to improve quality of life in the developing world.

I'm also very interested in technology in general, and as such, this blog will cover a variety of technology-related issues, not just those related the developing world. I'm particularly interested in mobile technologies and phones, both with regard to development and otherwise, so expect to see a certain amount of iPhone and Android related posts. I will likely also blog to an extent about Linux/open source issues, Mac-related topics, and whatever else is on my mind about which I have anything intelligent/worth reading to say.

Also, I will be traveling to Uganda in a couple of weeks to intern with a fascinating ICTD project there, so this blog will also serve as something of a travelogue, as well. I will post separately with more information on the project, what I'll be doing, etc.

And finally, thank you for reading. I'm sorry if it takes a little while for me to iron out the formatting and whatnot, as well as develop my hopelessly archaic academic prose into something internet-readable.

Oh, and the phrase "Tyranny of the Plurality" came from a conversation at work, and just stuck out to me as an interesting phrase. It doesn't, at first glance, have much to do with the content of the blog, but I suppose we'll see.

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