Friday, June 19, 2009

Suck it, Starbucks

Or should I shay, shuck it, Shtarbucksh.
< /sean connery >

(7:30pm BST, 6/18)
[More from the airport, not interesting, but I'm posting it because I wrote it]

So, I had this little certificate for any free drink from any Starbucks (US or UK, it said) that I believe my friend Marya gave me for my birthday my first year in school. She got it because they badly screwed something up, I think, but I don't remember the details.

Anyway, I've had it for years, and was saving it for the right moment, and this afternoon, that moment came. Observing how astronomically expensive everything is here, I realized this was my chance to really milk it for all it was worth.

Now, it didn't have a store number on it, which is apparently a problem, but the guy just wrote the one here's number. He was being nice, so I didn't want to get too elaborate (and expensive) with the beverage, but I still got a venti mocha frapuccino, which was here in pounds more or less what I'd expect it to be in US dollars (which is already way too much). It was £3.40, which works out to almost $6! For a drink! A large, unhealthy, and very tasty drink, mind you, but still -- ridiculous. But I got it for free. Heh heh heh.

That is all.

Oh, ok, I lied, one more thing: turns out the outlets I tried in the airport are decoys, or something, because my plug adapter/surge protector worked here. That I tried three separate plugs before with no luck made a good case for it being my equipment, but it really wasn't. Weird.

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